About Us

Welcome to top8group

We provide a way to discover products on the best websites for you. We guarantee we’ll only list products that are the lowest price available from reputable companies.

These are the same things we choose for ourselves and recommend to our family and friends. If we recommend that you spend your hard-earned money on something, we take it as seriously as if our own money were on the line.

If a reader chooses to buy a product we recommend as a result of our research, our work is often (but not always) supported through an affiliate commission from the retailer when the reader makes the purchase. There’s no incentive for us to pick inferior products or to respond to pressure from manufacturers—in fact, it’s quite the opposite. If a reader returns their purchase because they’re dissatisfied or the recommendation is bad, we make no affiliate commission. We think that’s a pretty fair system that keeps us committed to serving our readers first. And of course, our writers and editors are never made aware of or influenced by which companies have affiliate relationships with our business team.

Your opinion counts

So do you have (a good or bad) experience with one or more companies yourself? Leave a review and rating and help other people make a well-considered choice. For example, let them know about the ordering process, price, delivery or customer service of the product or service.

From now on, let real experiences of real people be the guide for your future purchases and help, as an experience expert, by sharing your own experience on top8group.

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